Constitutive meetings of EP delegations
The last constitutive meeting for standing delegations will take place on Monday 14th October (please see the provisional planning clicking on the link below, which may be updated closer to the dates and you can also check the corresponding delegation website).
The constitutive meeting of the Conference of Delegation Chairs is foreseen to take place during the second October Plenary session in Strasbourg, provided all Delegation Chairs are appointed by that time.
The constitutive meeting of the Conference of Delegation Chairs is foreseen to take place during the second October Plenary session in Strasbourg, provided all Delegation Chairs are appointed by that time.
- Calendar for Delegation Consitutitive meetings (updated 10.10.2024) (PDF - 110 KB)
- European Parliament decision of 18 September 2024 on the number and numerical strength of the interparliamentary delegations
- Parliament confirms the composition of its interparliamentary delegations (Press release 19.09.2024)
- Delegations vote for their Chairs and Vice-Chairs (Press release 01.10.2024)
In order to facilitate a swift start into the new legislative term, the Parliament has prepared for the new Members a series of brochures providing a detailed information on the EP's role in the external policies of the EU as well as the work of parliamentary standing delegations.