Uħud minn dawn id-dokumenti m''humiex disponibbli bil-lingwa tiegħek, b''hekk qed tkun issuġġerita b''mod awtomatiku verżjoni b''lingwa oħra. Dawn jintwerew permezz ta'' ikona li tirrappreżenta l-verżjoni tal-lingwa proposta (e.g.: ).
Priority question for written answer P-000148/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Şerban-Dimitrie Sturdza (ECR)
Priority question for written answer P-000116/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Christine Anderson (ESN)
Elon Musk’s ‘Space on X’ talk with Alice Weidel
Priority question for written answer P-000108/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Alexander Jungbluth (ESN)
Priority question for written answer P-000100/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Erik Marquardt (Verts/ALE), Hannah Neumann (Verts/ALE), Anna Strolenberg (Verts/ALE), Mélissa Camara (Verts/ALE), Jaume Asens Llodrà (Verts/ALE), Alice Kuhnke (Verts/ALE), Tineke Strik (Verts/ALE), Daniel Freund (Verts/ALE), Isabella Lövin (Verts/ALE)
Regulatory framework for distribution of bulk olive oil in the EU
Priority question for written answer P-000098/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Afroditi Latinopoulou (PfE)
Question for written answer E-000085/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Lynn Boylan (The Left)
Loss of trust in fact-checking agencies and their funding from the public purse
Priority question for written answer P-000082/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Jorge Martín Frías (PfE)
Priority question for written answer P-000078/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Raquel García Hermida-Van Der Walle (Renew), Brigitte van den Berg (Renew)
Priority question for written answer P-000077/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Borja Giménez Larraz (PPE)
Donald Trump’s threats to Greenland
Question for written answer E-000081/2025
to the Commission
Rule 144
Emma Fourreau (The Left)
Il-mistoqsijiet parlamentari huma mistoqsijiet indirizzati mill-membri Ewropej lil istituzzjonijiet u korpi oħra tal-Unjoni Ewropea. Huma jikkostitwixxu strument dirett ta' kontroll parlamentari fir-rigward ta' istituzzjonijiet u korpi oħra tal-UE.
Hemm tliet kategoriji ta' mistoqsijeit parlamentari :